Anyone who has suffered from acne at one point or another knows how much zits a bother it is and how nice it would be to once and for all be rid of it. While there are not permanent and magical acne cure for acne, there are five essential things that can be done to help alleviate acne and prevent it from coming back. Taking good care of acne skin and following these five rules of skin care can help you not only get rid of your acne, but also help prevent wrinkles, crows feet and other hindering issues that can affect the overall look and appearance of your skin.
1. Reduction in stress levels - reducing the amount of stress in your daily life can greatly reduce the occurrence of acne and other stress related skin blemishes. Stress causes havoc in the body in a number of ways, and finding ways to reduce the amount of stress that we are all under every day, can help reduce the chances of developing acne and control the hormones and other levels in the body that are all affected by constant stress.
2. Keep your hands off your face! You probably don't know that your hands are full of bacteria that play havoc with your facial skin. You may be someone, like me, who props their head acne cure on their hand while reading or having conversations with people around a table. These habits can easily be broken once you realize it could be one of the leading causes of your acne.
3. Good daily skin maintenance - using the right cleansers and moisturizers for your skin type are essential to help balance your skin and help it look its best. Each skin type requires different kinds of products to help enhance the properties of the skin. Oily skin is more prone to developing acne and should only be treated with products designed for oily skin. It is important to make sure you properly clean and moisturize your skin every day.
4. Masques or peels - use these products regularly to keep ahead of the small wrinkles, such as crow's feet and frown lines that can pop up on your face. These products are also excellent for deep cleansing of the pores where bacteria can build up and cause acne to develop. Keeping the pores clean can help ensure that your skin will be smooth and healthy looking. Both masques and peels not only deep clean the face, but also help zits healthy and renewed skin cells.
5. Vitamin A enriched products - products that use Vitamin A are aimed to help produce and enhance collagen formation in the skin and keep your skin looking firm and young. Vitamin A is an important ingredient that is used in a lot of facial products to help skin be healthy from the use of vitamins and nutrients. There are many kinds of facial cleansers, moisturizers and other treatments that are available that contain the powerful health benefits of Vitamin A.
Melanie Vasseur is a renowned chemist, esthetician and the founder of Vasseur Skin Car. For more skin care tips and information visit or call 619-236-9095.
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